




Top > Capital Protection Group Baltics OU (CPG Baltics)
The Service We Provide


Capital Protection Group Baltics OU(CPGBaltics) in Estonia provides several buisiness servicies.

One of our main services is 『Balt Journal』 for Japanese customer. 

(The Service We Provide)


The service that we provide;

  • Free Business News from Estonia,Latvia,Lithuania,Russia,Ukraine,Belarusia,Moldova
  • Business Consuting for Asian and Baltish.


Internet Business News Service in Japanese;

We provide updated ALL FREE daily Business News from Baltic States,Russia, CIS States


Business Consulting Service;

We provide business consulting for companies which need to find a partners in Asia or Baltic States.

  1. Represent our client to organize or find a buisiness partners in between Asia and Baltish contries.
  2. Put Interview reports to CEO/Executives of Local Companies on Balt Journal web site.

 New Investment Opportunities!(Updated on 30th of Jan 2008)

    1.US Film maker locate in L.A. California is looking for investos. 

    2.US Commercial Properties are on Sale. a) Casino Hotel in L.V. b) 5 star Hotel   in L.V.

    3.US Class A Office Building in Southern California.

    4.Gold/Silver Mine company preparing list their company this year.

    5.A Japanese bio venture company looks for investor.They plan to IPO within 18 months.

 If anyone has interests on those investment opportunities,please contact with us!  

                                                    E-mail:  info@cpgbaltics.com  

Capital Protection Group;

CPG Baltics OU(Estonia)

If you have any inquiries about our services and interests in putting your advertisements on Balt Journal, please send your E-mail to info@cpgbaltics.com.


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